OTA Services can take care of your real estate ‘busy work’ so that you can get on with your more productive tasks.
If you need time off & require someone trustworthy to take care of your business while you are away, OTA Services is here to help you do just that.
- Advert writing (Nationwide service)
- Flyer design (Nationwide service)
- Open Home Cover (You keep the register & answer all attendee enquiries)
- Proof-reading (Ideal for those with English as a second language)
- Database & CRM work
- Research (Let Holmes attend to your ‘detective’ work)
- Attend your Building Inspections, Registered Valuation appointments – so you don’t have to
- Website data uploading, latest sales, revisions, & basic tweaks
- Sounding Board session. Talk your ideas over with someone that has objectivity. It’ll cost you lunch 🙂
- Business development & WOF (Review your work systems with a professional & trusted confidant)
- Short-run flyer deliveries may be possible (Inserted here by special request from Angie’s dog)
- … & more. Just ask. If Angie can – she will. She’s quite creative & resourceful!

- Need someone that is NOT an agent to talk real estate things over with? Call OTA Services
- Forward planning. What can you do to improve your potential sale price? Discuss the steps
- Consult with Angie – without pressure to sell. (She’s NOT an agent)
- Angie can liaise with your family members to assist with the sale of a parental property
- Support family member(s) that may be selling when you can’t be there. Sensitivity assured
- Thinking of renting your place out? AirB&B vs Property Manager? Let’s talk it through
- Wanting to sell privately? Need some guidance or assistance? OTA Services can help
- Proof-reading of marketing material (Ideal for those with English as a second language)
- Advert writing. Want an advert written for your TradeMe Private Sale listing?
- Flyer design. Selling privately? Let the neighbourhood know! Skillful copywriting
- Open Home Supervision (You keep the register & answer all attendee enquiries)
- Research. eg; Assistance with obtaining property information from Council
- Assisting in identifying an agent & agency that suits your situation
- Assisting in identifying a Property Manager that suits your particular needs
- Undecided? Moving? Staying? Downsizing? Upsizing? Relocating? Need clarity? Call Angie
- OTA Services is here to help YOU make important real estate decisions